When I had started the codecamp, I’d felt that I kept reapeating myself in the same language as Java over and over on the questions until I got sick of it. It was then I finally found something different which peaked my interest because if I wanted to become a software engineer in the future I gotta atleast know my stuff. I really liked how I didn’t have to use int,str,arrays,objects anymore since it came in a all-in-one package called “var” which I felt made coding nice to have as it was a quality of life thing for me. Until I realized that there were variations to var that are used much more frequently being “let” and “const”, but it didn’t make that much of a difference since var is used globally whether it’s in the function or class while let and const are local and within. But comparing Java and JavaScript on variables, I would say that JavaScript is a definite winner to me. When looking at other languages, like Java for example, it uses a OOP scripting language while JavaScript is a OOP programming language. So this means Javascript runs on browser only, while Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser.
Honestly, I think it’s a good language to put in your arsenal and if you already know Java then JavaScript shouldn’t differ that much and could possibly be easier by not worrying about syntax errors and variables. It offers different types of jobs like web application development and front-end development. Even if this is the first time coding, it starts off easy with learning the basics with a fun and interactive UI and won’t make you want to bang your head on the keyboard because of simple errors like forgetting semicolons. JavaScript is a great language to learn at the start to introduce you but learning other languages can help develop your knowledge in coding.
Practing in Athletic Software Engineering is a good thing for us college students since it helps prepare what we will have to do in the future like job interviews where they would ask to write something in pseudocode and explain it within a time limit. Personally, I find it sometimes stressful because I would take most of my time understanding the problem and how should I approach it before I even touch my keyboard and start to panic how much time I have left. But the real world doesn’t wait for you, so getting used to being under pressure helps us in the long run where our dream job is right there but your having a hard time solving a problem in the time limit. Hopefully I can get better at pacing myself in future problems to prevent myself from panicing for not even starting the code when I only have a minute left.
When completing all of the WODS throughout the course in ICS 314, I feel more comfortable now then when I first started and think it still is a good thing to have this environment to make people more comfortable with it as it can be useful in interviews. On with Javascript being as a first language to learn is a good way to learn about coding and other things.