Duck Hunt


Duck Hunt was developed in ICS 486 VR/AR at UH Manoa where each team was to make a application that uses VR/AR to its fullest potential. The AR application our group made is called Duck Hunt and it’s mainly modeled after the NES game Duck Hunt but with modification on how it’s played. The main functionality of the game is the player has the image target that shows a gun and they are able to control it by moving the image target and shooting the ducks/targets under a time limit and get the highest score possible. Other functionalities are the shops where one image target has a gun shop and is able to switch back and forth after purchasing a new gun. The other is an extra time shop where to get the highest score possible the player would have to purchase time to keep playing. Another functionality is when time goes on longer within the game the targets become harder to hit.


This project was made by two ICS students and one ACM student where I was leading the project. Here is a list of what were some of my contributions were when developing this game:

Created gun and time shop
Created timer/cash/button ui
Implemented a shooting gun
Audio Design
Created particle effects
Implemented hit detection of ducks and ufos

Video Demo